Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's Like the Plot of 42nd Street Is Happening in My Mind, by Rock

So this new med student that I've been texting with is looking pretty promising. Everything that we've talked about seems spot-on and he's only made one spelling mistake (here instead of hear). We had a great conversation yesterday (well as great as one can be via text) about how so many guys are "extremes" (I only have straight friends. I only have gay friends. I only hang out at straight bars. I only hang out at gay bars. I only want to go out. I only want to stay in.) and it's almost harder to be middle of the road. He flat out said he was short and asked if I realized that and would have a problem with it. I told him I would only have a problem if he had issues with it. If he had the confidence to measure up, then no worries (I think that's the case).

I really wish we could just meet and get it over with. These expectations just keep building, and I know how I get when a guy seems pretty good on paper and I want to be in a relationship (cough, cough, 2.0, cough, cough). Yet as much as I don't want to be that naive, young ingénue that has his mind made up before meeting the guy, I also don't want to be that bitter, old queen that's trying to figure out everything that is wrong with the guy. I am trying extremely hard (and succeeding, I believe) at balancing the "cautiously" and "optimistic." It is what it is, I'll meet him when I meet him, and until then life goes on. I'm really not even thinking about this as much as this post makes it seem like I am. Just bragging I guess about how I'm handling it.

I suggested that he call me today on a study break so we can chat. I really just want to hear the sound of his voice, but it'll also be a little closer to actually meeting and we can both get a better read on things.

Remember that guy that Doris and I met out like a month ago? Me neither really. But he was out again last night and we might actually get coffee for real. I don't think we're compatible enough, but I wouldn't mind seeing him sober to figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. I prefer tall, but I can work with short. It helps, though, that I am short to begin with, so most dudes are taller than I. :)

    I HATE the long buildup. It’s annoying but sometimes it’s necessary: we all have crazy schedules and spring is a busy time of year for most. But yeah, with Straight Anthony Rapp I got so excited, then in the first two seconds of meeting him I could tell it wasn’t going to work out. Hopefully you will be luckier.

    I understand what you mean about expectations. With me, it’s the opposite problem: I get too cynical rather than too optimistic. Finding a middle ground can be challenging.

    Yeah, that guy was definitely trying to seal the deal last night. He reminded me of a puppy. It’s probably worth it to get coffee and see him in the light of day rather than the light of bar.
