I took a second to digest and said that I supposed that was fair, though yes it was too early to be exclusive and yes we should have talked about it before we had sex. I wasn't willing to say that sex wouldn't happen, even though I wasn't necessarily looking for it to happen. But if it did happen, then I would tell him about it and he could make a decision. He said that was valid and fair.
The whole thing strikes me as incredibly sophomoric. Before we had sex he did ask if he had anything to worry about but he didn't ask if I had had sex within the last week (I had). If sex is such a big deal, then he shouldn't have given it up on the second date. But if that makes him feel safer, that's his prerogative and I can either play along or not. For now, he's intriguing enough that I'll play along.
He and his friends were out the next night celebrating the end of the med school semester. My friend and I met them out for a few drinks and to dance. They were all wasted, but he was a cute wasted. He kept telling my friend how much he liked me and how cute I was.
The next day I hosted a tv night and invited him and his friend. They were super late because they ended up waiting 50 minutes for a bus. They weren't feeling it after such a ridiculous commute. My other friends (including Doris!) were about to go home, but it was fine and low-key, if not the fun, hilarious party night I had kind of expected.
Last night I went out with some coworkers and ended up making out with an ex-coworker. We were about to head home together before I realized that maybe I would go on a date with this guy, but I didn't really want to go home with him. I just wanted to sleep. So I said good bye and left mysteriously. The make-out made me feel better about Noah Wyle's silly little rule though. Because it is ridiculously early to start talking exclusivity in any matter.
Real date with Noah Wyle on Monday. Stay tuned.
You already know my feelings on this, but for the benefit of our readers:
ReplyDeleteI think Noah Wyle's edict is basically insecurity masquerading as a health concern. As, you know, someone studying medicine, he should (and probably does) know that this is why the Flying Spaghetti Monster invented protection. No, it's not foolproof, but it goes a damn long way, especially when pregnancy is not a concern.
And I know he hasn't dated for a while, but there's being out of practice and there's being insecure and this sounds like the latter. I think you're handling it correctly, though. Because even in high school, it was rare to be exclusive and serious after date two, unless it was a BAM-we're-really-in-love situation. Keep your options open, and his insecurity will get better or it won't.
See I don't think it's insecurity as much as an over-compensation and ignorance in the "being safe" category. It's a very "college" way of making yourself feel like you're being responsible and less of a slut when you sleep with someone on the second date. Whatever it is, it's still stupid. Whatevs. He's fun for now. We'll see where it goes.