Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Is Happening to Me?, by Doris

Before we get into that, here's an update on Straight Anthony Rapp: we'll be going out for a second time next Saturday afternoon (I have dance class early and plans with friends in the evening--it's literally all the time I can give). I don't think there'll be a third date, but you never know.

I consider myself pretty cynical. Not all of it has to do with boys--in fact, I first learned the meaning of the word in sixth grade, when someone said I was cynical, and this was way B.G. (Before Guys).

So why the HELL, when the Russian sent me a random text Friday night, did I start sparking like the Fourth of July?





  1. Haha are you still looking for non-married men or are you just riding this for a while (not a loaded question, just asking)?

  2. No, I get what you're saying. :) I am planning on getting back on OKCupid soon. I was going to do it this week, but I've been sick and not on the interwebs as much, and I'm going to be really busy at work. But yeah, I'm keeping my options open.
