Because of holiday craziness, the earliest time he is free is December 30, where he can meet up briefly before going to a concert.
(And if anyone is wondering about our rule, Rock has informed me that he's granting a reprieve until after the New Year. As I've mentioned before, I have one guy mired in finals, plus another guy I'm talking to is in a show that I can't go to because I have plans, and my schedule is just generally wacko right now. So thank you for understanding, Rock. Although I expect a Christmas gift as well.)
I told him that was fine and am waiting to hear back. I think he's only on OKCupid about once a day, as am I.
I still want to meet him. I do.
But as I was telling Rock over coffee last night, I think this will be more of a practice date.
Yes, yes, I know I'm an asshole.
Let me explain:
If you've been reading this blog, you know I'm not super experienced when it comes to dating. I was in an on-and-off, well, something (I hate the word "relationship" even though family and friends inform me that's exactly what it was) for fourteen years. Fourteen years. That's a long time.
And during that time, I went out some. I had a few serious crushes. I slept with Rock's actor buddy. Still, though, I haven't been out on many dates. I could use a brush-up.
And let's be honest--this guy lives an hour away. I think he's planning on moving back to the city eventually, and good for him, but: a) I don't want to hang around and wait for that, and b) sometimes people DON'T move back to the city.
It's not just about the city vs. suburbs mindset. It's about the convenience.
I have a busy schedule. Many times I have to plan way ahead for nights with friends. However, last night I just met up with Rock for coffee. We had a two-hour or so window where we were free, so we did it. And that was fun. Sometimes I'm so busy, but an unexpected free night comes up. I'd like a guy who's within a reasonable distance, in case I would like to spend it with him.
I live in a major city, where there are tons of single dudes if OKCupid is to be believed. I don't think that's too much to want one in relatively the same place.
If Rivers-a-like says yes and we end up meeting, I will try to go in with an open mind. Who knows, I could totally fall for him and distance won't seem like a big deal at all.
But more and more, I am thinking this date will just be for practice.
And I'm fully aware this makes me kind of a jerk.
It doesn't make you a jerk. When I first started online dating, like you, I just wanted to get some more dating experience. And you never know. You might end up liking this guy.
ReplyDeleteThanks, NW! I'm going to try to go in with an open mind. Assuming I hear from him again and this date actually happens.--Doris.